Grafis Nusantara Vol.4
Grafis Nusantara, an Indonesian labels and stickers archive collective, is excited to unveil their fourth book, Grafis Nusantara Vol. 4 – Koleksi Stiker Pop & Trendi. This volume showcases an extensive collection of Indonesian pop culture stickers created from the 1970s to the 1990s.
This book reveals Grafis Nusantara’s journey to Pakisaji, Malang, where they explored the origins of these pop culture stickers through AMP Malang, one of the largest producers of such stickers. It features a poignant and insightful narrative, shaped by conversations between Grafis Nusantara and the father-and-son duo behind AMP Malang, Kusnadi and Eko Pujianto.
The stickers featured in this publication include not only AMP Malang’s designs but also those from other producers throughout Indonesia. They are divided into categories: pin-up girls, text quotes, cartoons, religious themes, text and image combinations, brands, and figures—each section is accompanied by an in-depth exploration of its social and cultural context. In addition to the book, every copy includes a sample of an AMP Malang sticker, a collection of collaborative sticker designs with AMP Malang, and an interactive cover as a homage to sticker aficionados and collectors.
Size Approx 14.7 x 21 cm (A5)
130 pages
Book Paper 90gsm
Kettle Stitch Binding
CMYK + 2 special color offset